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If you have travelled far and long, you may one day forget what you had left behind.
"Life is in itself a journey." This cliché has been thrown around many times, but it is not wrong. We spend so much time looking to the...
足, 腰, 刀
Ashi, Koshi, Katana. This is the basis of Iaido movements. First is from the feet (ashi), then waist (koshi) finally the sword (katana)....
Secret to winning
A simple thought for today: "With all things equal, the one willing to take the risk that no one else dares will win every time." This...
The fear for a real sword.
As practitioners of Iaido, we would eventually arrive at a point where the practice sword (made of Aluminium alloy) grows less and less...
Mekugi (目釘)
Ever wonder how the sword is held together with the handle (柄)? Well, if you have taken a sword apart before you will know you must...
The cold hard stare 目線
Over the years I have found that merely imagining an opponent in front of me is not enough. You really have to visualise this person in...
正速強威 (Sei-Soku-Kyou-I)
There is an old teaching that my teacher has taught me years ago. (I even had a t-shirt made!!) I find it very applicable even to daily...
Nothing worth doing is ever easy.
「斬りおろし」Kirioroshi, the most basic strike one will have to learn in any Japanese sword related martial arts. Seemingly simple, cut in a...
Be like water (水五訓 )
水五訓 Mizugokun (Five Principles of Water) 自ら流動して他を動かしむるは水なり - Flowing by itself moving others, that is WATER. 障害に遭いてその力を百倍し得るは水なり -...
Don't let your thoughts inhibit your action.
The Story of Satori (悟) While logging in the mountains one day, a lumberjack came upon a Satori, a mind reading monster. The lumberjack...
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